
I am in the final year of my PhD in machine learning at the Polish Academy of Sciences, supervised by Prof. Paweł Morawiecki. From June to August I am working as a researcher at FDL Europe, adapting the foundation models for SAR data in collaboration with Luxembourg Space Agency and ESA.
Currently, I am also doing research on gradient-free optimization for continual learning at the National University of Singapore, under the supervision of Prof. Dianbo Liu from the CogAI4Sci lab. Before that, I was a visiting researcher at the University of Pisa (Pervasive AI Lab), working with Prof. Vincenzo Lomonaco.
During my PhD studies, I had a great time as an intern at Nomagic, the company that is working on AI for pick-and-place robots.
I hold an MSc degree from Jagiellonian University, where I was co-supervised by Prof. Jacek Tabor and Dr. Stanisław Jastrzębski.

My research focuses on Continual (Continuous or Lifelong) learning. I am also interested in meta, transfer and reinforcement learning, especially in the aspects they share. I found fascinating the ability of autonomous agents to make decisions for new or imperfect information. And I enjoy meeting smart artificial friends or foes in video games.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions or are interested in a research collaboration! I am looking for a postdoc position, my expected graduation date is December 2024!

I prefer Python as my daily multy-purpose tool for it's simplicity and beauty of Zen (and don't forget about Pip/Conda). In coding I am following single-responsibility principle and referential transparency with minimal side-effects everywhere where it's fast, clean and makes sense. The spiritual side of my work is based on Unix philosophy.

The Distilled Manifesto: Academic freedom comes first.

Research interests

I have papers on topics:

And work in progress:

Contact me if you have a project/postdoc in:

Of course, I have a deep faith in the supreme power of evolutionary algorithms.